Hello Everyone! Welcome to my website!

Ar is neat :) Follow the links to view my work for Art 107 from Spring 2020

Exercise 2.1

Project 1

Creative Practice 1

Creative Process 3/4

I am an interdisciplinary artist. I explore various media in order to better my own ability to create narratives. The works in this portfolio represent my explorations in video and net art. These pieces allow me to explore other ways to go about my art. My interests are video games, costume creation, writing, and watercolor painting. I use each of these alongside video and net art to better my personal art.

In most of my practice, I create work that gives my characters faces as well as creates a world for them to live in. I find reference material for clothing, body types, and other features to more accurately represent my ideas of the characters I create. Normally I work with pencil to sketch. My art can also include additions in colored pencil, marker, watercolor, or other colored media. I include writing on the page to explain my thought process not only to help myself later on, but also for others who would like to know more about my intentions for a character. The works can include both pages or just the right page, mostly dependent on the character I am working on that day. Whether I am working on a main character or simply an idea for a character, I approach each with the world they would inhabit in mind. There are even notes I keep as guidelines, rules, or ideas related to the story. I hope to use it to create a world other people can immerse themselves in, though I am not yet sure what form the final product will take.

I enjoy listening to music while I work, sometimes finding my flow. I can work for hours this way, simply in the moment of creating. The music choice often comes down to what I feel like making. The speed, key, mood, and genre do not really matter to me as long as it helps me as long as it helps focus. Often, I find inspiration in the video games that I play and the novels I read. I often find that I work best while listening to music. Some other inspirations for me have been Anne Mccaffery and her Dragons of Pern, Blizzard Entertainment, and The Witcher games and novels.