Hello Everyone! Welcome to my portfolio!

My name is Ashley Rose and I am an interdisciplinary artist. I explore various media in order to better my own ability to create narratives. The works in this portfolio represent my explorations in video and net art. These pieces allow me to explore other ways to go about my art. My interests are video games, costume creation, writing, and watercolor painting. I use each of these alongside video and net art to better my personal art.

In most of my practice, I create work that gives my characters faces. I find reference material for clothing, body types, and other features to more accurately represent my ideas of the characters I create. Normally I work with pencil and colored pencil to sketch. My art can also include additions in marker, watercolor, or other colored media. I include writing on the page to explain my thought process not only to help myself later on, but also for others who would like to know more about my intentions for a character. The works can include both pages or just the right page, mostly dependent on the character I am working on that day. Whether I am working on a main character or simply an idea for a character, I approach each with the world they would inhabit in mind.


In this video, I seek to critique the culture around videogame streamers. I, myself, am a gamer and do enjoy watching people play games. Streamers may run into the issue where their viewers all want a bit of their attention.


The process that goes into creating anything is often forgotten once the product is created. Be it a film, a painting, or a piece oc clothing, there is generally a disconnect between the creation of something and the product most people see. With this project, I seek to bridge this divide.

Past, Future, and Darkness


Past, Future, or Darkness(Click to go to piece.)

This piece seeks to make one think about the past and the future. Through imbedded links, one can flip between the past and future pages. Hidden on both pages is a secret link to a third page.

Process: Revisited

Final Painting

I find the process of creating art interesting. Professors have told me it is just as important to document the creation of a piece as it is to document the final product. With this work, I seek to reveal the various aspects of creating a watercolor painting. Revealing the work area is part of my vision in looking at the process. A lot can be said about an artist simply by observing their work space.